There is never enough time…
It always seems like there is never enough time, that everything takes longer than it should and that there are always too many things that need to be done. My response when I feel like that is to procrastinate instead of bearing down, establishing some priorities and starting on a project or task. My procrastination is more avoidance than sloth or lethargy. I get things done, just not the challenging tasks or tasks I should be working on. Writing this blog post was one of those tasks I have been avoiding.
I regularly procrastinate writing blog posts, and not just blog posts, just about anything that involves English composition. I struggle to put words on paper or on screens these days. It is not for lack of ideas or things to say. Writing complete sentences with proper grammar, avoiding excessive adverbs and adjectives, and using correct punctuation have been lifelong struggles. The spell and grammar check aids practically correct every word I type. Based on the advice of my partner, Therese, I have adopted the practice of using a spell and grammar check-free environment and just doing a mind dump. It helps with generating content, but the cleanup is a challenge.
I have several topics I could write about. Rather than focusing on one or two, I think I will write a short paragraph on each thought or topic.
I went out on a photo walk yesterday, the second one since picking up my practice again after my February hiatus - more on that here. I am seeing in black and white again. I know that for me and many other photographers I have spoken with, shooting black and white or in color is not something you can easily switch back and forth with. It takes a different mindset, vision, or "mind's eye" to shoot in one vs. the other. I have learned that I cannot force it or make myself see in color or vice versa. I just have to go with the flow.
My seventieth birthday is coming up. Just writing that seems so absurd. How can I be seventy years old? Over my lifetime, I have been fortunate to have the support, advice and generosity of family, friends and many others. I wish I could thank each of them, but that is impossible, so I will have to pay it forward by following their example. I have also been very, very lucky! To the fates or gods who blessed me along the way, so many times, as I stumbled or crashed (cars, motorcycles and bicycles) my way through life - thanks!
I am spending the first two weeks of April to celebrate my birthday in New York. Once again, I have the good fortune of staying in the apartment of a friend of a friend. While in the city, I am going on a photo walk with James Maher, the photographer I mentioned in my last post. Plus, I am attending a workshop with the photographer Ralph Gibson and photographer/YouTuber Ted Forbes (Art of Photography). I hope for warmer, dryer days while I am there, but it is early spring in New England.
My experiment with eliminating distractions like newsletter emails, social media, etc., has, for the most part, been a success. The primary benefit has been the feeling of freedom. A feeling that it is okay to take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the moment. However, it has yet to result in any change in how much I have been getting done. That has more to due with my own failings in organization, planning and follow through. Now that I have the time, I need to figure out what the few essential things I want or need to get done, and then figure out which of the trivial many other things I wish I could get done are worth moving up the to-do list.
I plan to move forward with a more regular blogging effort with more images included.